Hi, I’m Vanessa. Half-French. Half-American. All Foodie.

I’m a home chef who learned much of what I know cooking with my mother in France, but also studying at Peter Kump’s cooking school, now the Institute of Culinary Education in New York.

This is my new site where I am slowly bringing over hundreds of recipes from chefdruck.com. This is the rebirth of my testament to a life of feasting.

15 years of content takes a long time to migrate. Please enjoy the gradual relaunch of French Foodie Mom: a recipe repository.

Let the feasting begin again!

Recent Posts

Recipes make their way into this blog after three dinner trials. Hope your family likes them as much as ours does.

Golden Vegetable Soup: a Forgotten Childhood Staple
soup, French Food, vegetables Vanessa Druckman soup, French Food, vegetables Vanessa Druckman

Golden Vegetable Soup: a Forgotten Childhood Staple

This is the soup my sisters and I grew up with, the soup my mom served us for lunch on so many cloudy Parisian days when she was feeling uninspired. We complained about this vegetable soup, bored to tears by its simplicity and predictability, but now we crave it as adults. It’s what I often make as a gift to new mothers or sick friends: simple goodness in a bowl.

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